Britha asha moriteo more na

Britha asha moriteo more na

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Wishing you a very happy independence day.

And I could not help penning down the following:

Some years back, while speaking with few youngsters across various Asian and European nations who had come to India to pursue their higher education, I was pleasantly surprised to hear what they like about India is the freedom they enjoy. The time was August 15 and that same day, while attending the flag hoisting ceremony at my postgraduate institute, I was further surprised by few students, who refused to even enter the compound the ceremony was taking place in and standing outside the railings, loudly ‘whispering’ bickering remarks throughout the period- the reason- simple- they believe that they are not independent till date. However, more surprises awaited as these same section of people did participate with much zeal and gaiety in the parties that followed- never minding what the real reason of celebration meant.

The act made me think further because, the time being August 15th and like every year, my smses and emails regarding any good wishes for the day entailed several responses about how we are sitting in the middle of corruption and no-goodnicks across the nation and we are not independent till date, however, I wanted to convey a message to all today as several of my email and sms responses were answered with the same message like every year- just a reminder what we really mean by the word independence.

There were corrupt people and various others who would rather sit and watch others do work and just criticise throughout human history, ever since we gradually learned to settle down within tribes and clans to form the very basic organisation of a social living. However, within that same tribe, somebody sat down to observe how a jungle fire breaks out and eventually utilised it for making food, to keep oneself warm and most importantly, to keep wild animals at bay. Also, within that same society, someone imagined that a circular stone moves faster than others and that can be used as ‘wheels’ to transmit more than mere articles. These, while others sat and maybe, just mutely followed along.

Several centuries down the lane, amidst severe corruption and harrowing opposition of significant social forces, the laudable voices of people like Rousseau, Voltaire, Galileo, Michelangelo, Marie Curie, Prafulla Chandra Ray, Vivekananada, Gandhi and others did manage to make their voices heard amidst the confusion and corruption that plagues the society. Whether each and every one of them also adhered to some specific political groups and thinking pattern might be a favourite topic for critics across the globe to refute and re-refute various theories, nevertheless, as we quote Gandhi, Botticelli, Mark Twain, Vivekananda and Tagore across all publications- – with various politicians also referring to them time and again, extensively all across the globe and the media extensively ‘promoting’ the concept of ‘independence’ through various advertisements and products for sale and some cinema halls continuing to broadcast the national anthem before the screening begins in a theatre, it is time once again to think before we say ‘we are not independent actually’- to mean what Independence really means to us- to which a simple contribution like refraining from using plastic carry bags to stopping the use of frequent aeroplane flying to stop the spread of bio-fuel or to simply stop littering the street or spread the good word for education for all- might be the true meaning of independence- something that really means every word spoken. And there remains hundreds across rural parts of India- working silently and away from the limelight to infuse the true light amidst people who cannot even fathom any dictionary and urban meaning of the word independent- for whom, any political corruption and changes never conveyed much meaning and still does not convey a meaning as long as they can have access to their three square meals day for their families.

Let not only non-Indian and foreign students realise the true meaning of what India means when it comes to independence- to make this more than a public holiday and good work all year ahead Still hoping against all hope to keep the hope alive. For once let’s start by creating a new hope and taking the liberty, quoting Rabindranath Tagore, yet again from one of his articles on the system of education- “Britha asha moriteo more na” (The hope stays alive amidst everything.).

Thanks and regards

-Dr. Lopamudra Maitra

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