New Global Indian recently launched its research and policy studies for work related to developmental policy and research in West Bengal with its Centre for Development and Policy Studies (CDPS) ...
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India, in the recent past, has become a vibrant laboratory for innovations in the 21st century, India’s innovation initiative has brought the country on the forefront and made it walk with confidence towards the inclusive growth in India. The nation, like other South Asian colonies, on winning her political freedom was plagued by issues which were more internal. Social prejudices, orthodoxy , casteism, theistic moorings, gender discrimination rendered futile the long-drawn battle for Independence, which eventually came in 1947 and brought about a disillusionment that Independence was a shift of power from Mountbatten to Nehru followed by India’s tryst with ...
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“To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off ...
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Twenty eight years ago, a young and enterprising Harvard business school graduate from India, armed with the experience of working in his father’s chemical manufacturing business, arrived in Dubai. His venture back home, after a brief spell of success, has seen a downslide and he wanted to explore the desert city and its ‘greener pastures’. A generous friend invited him to his apartment in Bur Dubai where he was put up in the drawing room along with his wife and his year-old son. The couple had to rough it out. His wife took a Montessori course to work in a ...
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Ex-IITian and currently, a politician. Mr. Manohar Parrikar has more shades than merely his political presence in Goa. Aaishwari Chouhan gets him talking about the issues close to his heart. “Some officers are virtually corroding the state.” Sitting in his office at the Legislative Assembly, the first leader from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Goa, and also, the first IIT graduate to become the Chief Minister for any Indian state, Mr. Manohar Parrikar keeps a constant look at his watch to avoid being delayed for his next scheduled appointment. Being awarded with the Distinguished Alumnus Award by IIT Bombay ...
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Ramesh D Kalicharran introduces the prolific Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, whose fore parents came from India to Trinidad as indentured laborers, led her alliance coalition to victory in that country’s general elections on My 24 making her its first female Prime Minister. Persad-Bissessar’s People’s Partnership won 29 out of the 41 parliamentary seats ending the ruling party’s 43 years in office. The election was fought on several issues including massive corruption in all sectors of the national economy, the lack of medical facilities, a total breakdown in the infrastructural capacity and the mismanagement of the nation. Rising crime with over ...
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Sanjay Banerjee reports on the Journey of an Idea, which explores the creative insight and intellect of advertising industry. Indian creativity has traveled many distances to emerge as a champion flannel to the Cannes. Every year, there is a clamor for awards at the various adman shows across the globe and Indian creativity has been growing in stature overtime. The past decade has been able to add value to the creative insight and intellect for the contemporary advertising Industry. Today, the creative’s of the land has tested the travails of time and have learnt to withstand the tests that consumers ...
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The Global Organisation for People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) is organizing two events at the Nehru Centre, London this October. The GOPIO International Annual Conference will be on October 26, 2010 while the 1st GOPIO International Women’s Conference: GIW 2010 will take place on October 27, 2010. GOPIO is an international network for people of Indian origin (PIO). GOPIO was founded at the First Global Convention of People of Indian Origin in New York in 1989. The initial thrust of the organisation was fighting human rights violation of people of Indian origin. Although this has been improved in the last ...
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But disillusionment of the youth can be disastrous for any country. The political equations of the world have changed drastically in last couple of decades, with disgruntled youth turning to an arms struggle against the establishment or for a “cause”. The international term for this group of destructive youth is “terrorists”. ...
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From a country of snake charmers to a software superpower, the way India is perceived by the West has undergone a drastic change over the last few decades. Biplab Sengupta narrates a first hand experience… It was summer of ’72 as I landed in Saarbrucken, Germany on a scholarship. That was my first visit abroad and also my first flight in an aircraft! From the first day I was overwhelmed with German efficiency and affluence. I, however, got my first shock about German perspective of India when our teacher for German history, Frau Schmidt, a diminutive German lady, quipped one ...
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