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“Once upon a time, Gujarat was the gateway to the Globe from India. Now it is becoming the Global Gateway to India. Gujarat welcomes you through open arms with this event which has grown far beyond the boundaries of Gujarat” Words resonated all over the world through Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister of Gujarat. On one hand he is declared as the best chief minister of the country twice, multiple adjectives are used by the first citizens of different countries to eulogies, and recently pronounced as the King of Kings. Many see him today as the next Prime Minister in India, though there is no dearth of his critics. Keeping all the eulogy and flaks aside, how Modi dexterously illustrates the art of investment alias “Vibrant Gujarat 2013”, reports Mohammed Ansif, after attending Vibrant Gujarat 2013

The pompous ‘Vibrant Gujarat 2013’ conducted from January 11 to 13 as the largest biennial colloquium and trade exhibition is the sixth edition of the summit which started in 2003.The summit itself was termed as thefarsighted leap forward of the Gujarat and Modi to make the state as a platform for constructive, sustainable and reasonable development for posterity. From 2003 to 2013, the ten year graph of development in Gujarat is soaring without any flaw, gives Modi and his government to invite the attention of the world toward the state. The investor friendly atmosphere of the state, forward looking attitude of government beckons the investors to Gujarat. Delegates from 120 countries across the world gathered to imbibe, impart and invest strategically in Gujarat. The delegates from different continents include 170 from Japan, 225 from Canada and 70 each from America and Britain. More than 127 events were organized with Vibrant Gujarat 2013. Thought provoking events like conventions, seminars, exhibitions lecture series, panel discussions and interactions refurbish the summit and providing a favourable circumstance to understand the inclusive sustainable development symbiotically helpful for both the state and the investors.

Modi’s adroitness to gravitate business, swiftly resolving the problems confronted by an investor and insulates their business enterprise whether it is big or small demands his foes to admire him. Modi with his natural eloquence and pragmatic management convinces the representatives that help to accelerate their decision. A large number of businessmen of the country and outside participated in the summit. Indian business aristocracy represented by almost all the stalwarts, foremost among them was Ratan Tata, expressing his gratitude he praised the states capability to offer an industry friendly environment that helps to nourish the business and anticipates to invest more in the state.

Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries (RIL), exalted that Modi’s splendid vision and determination helps the business more easy in Gujarat. He also expressed his interest in expanding his business firmament with Gujarat. He had already invested Rs 100,000 crore in the state and also promised to invest 500 crore in Pandit Dindayal Upadhayay Petroleum University. His brother Anil Ambani step ahead of him saying “A narendramodiLeader Among Leaders and the King Among Kings”. Modi’s progressive economic reforms, investor friendly government initiatives, visionary strategic direction encourages having a healthy competition. Chanda Kochar, CEO of ICICI bank, finds Gujarat as the ‘fastest growing region of the world’, and also the state emerges as a perfect example for others too.

Major remonstrance before setting a new industry was lack of land and resources propping to the enterprise. Here lie the success mantra of Modi, he provides both the land and resources and make it more flexible for the investors. Most of the entrepreneurs and investors have the disposition that they need a speedy transaction of their business. The law and other red tapes paralyse the investor growth. Modi’s dexterity in taking policies and decisions were very fast, implement it in no time and recommend his ministers and bureaucrats to supervise the progress intermittently woo the investors. Modi’s critics all over the country highlighted the disparity in the rural development and his clod response to communal violence, clandestinely promoting Hindutuva etc… Even they termed Anna Hazare’s appreciation on rural development is just a slip of the tongue of an old man. Throwing all allegations to the wind, Modi opens new developmental programmes in key areas like agriculture, healthcare, education and environment. He necessitates Gujarat to be the hub for business development and education, while he caters the view of young talents.

Maybe Modi was the only person who got a continuous harangue by his critic. He was tainted as the ambassadors of all catastrophes, who encourage sharp discrimination towards Muslims, who ruthlessly closes his eyes towards lower strata of the society and teased him as the prime minister in waiting who engaged in coaxing the people for votes for the 2014 election. He never retaliates through the same way and sometimes ignores and trashed all the junk comment. But his seamlessly work hard and devise new strategies to make his land more developed that seeks attention of the world. The world flocked to the tiny Gujarat and the Modi shepherded with all his astuteness. Different thought developed and exchanged converged ideas and imparted it in the platform of Vibrant Gujarat 2013. The state prepared itself to start a symbiotic relationship with other counties and states. Modi promised he will do all possible assurance to each and every investor. Vibrant Gujarat 2013 harbingers a rapid expansion of the state and the country. The Meeting concludes with a strong message to foster reformation and anticipates for next Vibrant Gujarat 2015’.

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